Baby Travel Gear
Holiday season is about to kick start! Get everything you need for your next trip with your baby.
Before the trip starts, choose the right suitcase for your little loved one. Trunki would be handy with organizing everything into the suitcase and serving as a seat when waiting in the lines at airport, train station, restaurant. Go for Skip Hop Rolling Luggage if you wish to go light
A comfortable head rest such as benbat for her to lie on during the car ride or in the flight.
It may be a little to heavy to bring a stroller with, how about getting an ergonomically designed carrier offered by Ergobaby? If you expect not to do so much walking, you can consider just Hippochick hip carrier.
During day time, your little loved one sometimes runs faster than you think he can. A Toodlepak by Trunki will give a balance of activity & control. Or you can get a Skip Hop Zoo Backpack if there are lots to carry around with.
At night time, you can comfort your baby with a grobag, which is light to travel with & don't need to worry about the central air conditioner in the hotel.